Exciting times. Boards are beginning to go out. People should start getting boards any time now and this will progress and speed up in the next coming weeks.
We began fulfillment with just the V2 prime and early bird prime backers. This gave us a bit of time to get started and organized without having to drink from the firehose all at once.
I have some boards fully produced and I have boards in every stage of production currently. These are the TMC2660 versions so those are the first to fulfill. I am currently about to program the TMC2590 boards on the Pick and place and begin running those as well.
The last couple weeks have largely been spent setting up the initial test fixture which will later advance into a full Pogopin setup, as well as bagging connectors and building last minute cables.
For those who chose to pay the shipping cost an extra time…I started shipping boards last Friday and I have more to go out shortly. I am about to do a basic “getting started” writeup with explanations about what is what and where not to hook things. Config is changed from V1 but largely similar. The boards come with the most current firmware and they have a minimal config loaded (as well as a folder with sample configs).
If you have used a V1 Smoothieboard you should have no problem getting things going. Beware all markings on the board. More to come on this in the next post.
For everyone else, things are moving forward fast and we should be handling the survey for you shortly and you will have the same options for shipping as the others have.
Anyone who has backed multiple times (such as prime and mini) please email and make note of this in your backer survey. Likely I will ship your rewards both at the same time to save shipping costs and time.
Thanks again to our backers. Things are almost there. You should be seeing people bragging about getting boards shortly 🙂